Liverpool weekend breaks: A Fab tour of the city of the Beatles

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It must be ten years since I was last in the centre of Liverpool and, wow, what a difference.

I didn't recognise anything. It didn't seem like Liverpool or England, more like Chicago or Hamburg, or Berlin or Stockholm (all places I don't know, so I feel safe using them as a comparison). The point is, Liverpool is now a new city, which you won't recognise either.

The Waterfront is, of course, the most remarkable new creation. Obviously it was always there millions headed off to a new life in America from here over the centuries but last time I looked it was run-down, windswept, empty, decaying. Now it is awash with spectacular architecture, flash hotels, exciting new buildings, grandiose squares and smart cafes.

Watery wonder: The new Museum of Liverpool will light up the city's Waterfront

The newest and flashiest is the Museum of Liverpool, opened in July and the largest newly built national museum in Britain for at least 100 years. Not all the floors were open when I had a poke around, but I was knocked out by what I saw, almost literally. The minute I got through the front door, beaming, of course, because it was free, a gang of curators and attendants rushed towards me, almost fighting each other to offer help and guidance 'this way sir, let me help you sir'.

You don't get that at the British Museum.

The point about the Museum of Liverpool is that while it calls itself a national museum, in scale and ambition it is in fact a regional museum, concentrating on the history of one particular city, telling the world about the things Liverpool has always been famous for.

'What would you like to see, sir?' the atten! dants as ked. I said, er, football and The Beatles. Those are two things Liverpool has always been famous for in British mythology. 'No problems, sir,' said a chorus of curators. 'Go up to the second floor.'

And there they were, beautifully laid out, with loads of displays and interactive stuff, films and recordings and, best of all, loads of real-life artefacts. I do hate it when modern museums put all their efforts into audiovisual gimmicks, artwork and display and forget to show you any actual objects.

Being an expert on The Beatles and footie, I looked for items I didn't already have, or had never seen. The Beatles stuff was mainly souvenirs, but there were some good Sixties posters and tickets. No original Beatles lyrics or letters, but then they can cost tens of thousands.

In the football section, which traces the history of the city's two clubs, Liverpool and Everton, I rushed to see if they had one of the most interesting football programmes ever printed. From 1905 to 1935, the clubs shared a matchday programme. One week it would be mainly about Liverpool, because they were at home at Anfield, with a smaller amount about Everton Reserves, who would be at home just a mile away at Goodison. Next week, it would be mainly about Everton. If only rival clubs could be so co-operative today.

They did have one copy on show, and it was in pristine condition, unlike my own battered example.

I also went into another spanking new building on the Waterfro! nt, hous ing The Beatles Story. I was a bit disappointed at first, as the only door I could find open turned out to be a cafe. I wandered upstairs and it was all souvenirs and Beatles tat, and also rather confusing. There seemed to be another section somewhere else, which I couldn't quite figure out, so should I have gone there instead?

Love me do: Beatles landmarks and exhibits pop up all over Liverpool

Eventually, I did get to the bottom of it discovering a photo exhibition in a hidden gallery I didn't realise was there. They have a lot of special, temporary exhibitions. When I was there it featured a collection of memorabilia owned by John Lennon's son Julian. My 5 entry fee also got me into a Fab 4D experience. Notices warned that pregnant women or those of a nervous disposition should not watch it. I checked, decided I was OK, and went in, donning my 4D glasses.

It turned out to be a Beatles cartoon film. They call it four-dimensional, I suppose, because you see and hear, as objects seem to swim and float all around you, and also touch and feel for at dramatic moments your seat suddenly collapses under you and you are sprayed with water. My grandchildren would have loved it. I made a note to bring them on a trip.

Sucks to Paris. Liverpool is now far more exotic. What was going on in the middle of the town would have excited them even more the Mathew Street Festival. Lots of streets had been closed off and stages set up at street corners where bands were going at it full pelt, and all for free. It was estimated that in the two days of the 2011 Festival, 320,000 people came to see it, adding 20 million to the local economy.

Many of the revellers seemed to be in hen parties, staggering around half-naked in silly hats and 10ft-high clunking shoes, all having a scream.

The festival coincided with Beatles Week and Conference, organised every y! ear by C avern City Tours. This is the world's biggest annual Beatles event and attracts 200 Beatles lookalike groups from China to Chile.

Almost unbelievably, it took Liverpool several decades to realise what they had in The Beatles, what a claim to fame it was and what a tourist attraction it could be. Back in 1963 when the Fab Four went national, then global, leaving for London and the world, many ordinary fans felt The Beatles had somehow let them down, gone off and forgotten them, and there was for a time a mini-backlash. The city authorities were equally blinkered, ignoring what they had on their doorstep, letting other cities and countries around the world celebrate The Beatles while doing nothing themselves, feeling The Beatles would not last, that they were a passing craze.

For example, they allowed the original Cavern Club where The Beatles started out to be knocked down in 1973. This attitude lasted well into the Eighties. But now it's all changed. You can't move for Fab Four tours, houses, events, taxi rides, galleries and exhibitions.

Back at the Waterfront, the only thing I couldn't see as I walked along was boats. Where were they all? If they can get monster cruise liners into the middle of Venice, where the water is like a paddling pool, surely Liverpool with the Mersey so broad and deep could and should be a cruise liner terminal?

Fab Four in focus: The Beatles Story museum gives the lowdown on the city's most famous export

Cruises are still a growing worldwide business, capable of bringing in thousands of people at a time, and we know there are hundreds of thousands of Beatles fans in Japan and China and in North and South America who would love the chance to be transported right into the heart of Beatles land. If Southampton can do it, why not Liverpool?

The problem, apparently, is something to do with the fact that al! l this n ew Waterfront and terminal development has been partly funded by public grants, so Liverpool would therefore be unfairly competing for the cruise trade with other ports who have not had public money. At the moment, cruise liners can pop in, but there are no facilities for beginning and ending cruises. Negotiations are going on with the Government, and Liverpool has offered to pay back some of its grant money. The city council is now hopeful that very soon, cruises will be starting and stopping in Liverpool.

All aboard. We all live in a Beatles submarine...

Travel Facts

Hunter Davies is currently working on a book of John Lennon Letters, with help and support from Yoko Ono, the copyright-holder. If you have a letter or postcard written by John Lennon, or a copy of one, or know of any, please contact Hunter by email at johnlennon

The 2012 Beatles Week will be from August 22 to 28 and promises to be the biggest ever, celebrating 50 years since the Fab Four's first record, Love Me Do. Visit

For further information on the Museum of Liverpool, call 0151 478 4545 or visit For details about the Cavern Club visit

For information about the Beatles Story call 0151 709 1963 or go to

Dates are yet to be confirmed for The Mathew Street Festival 2012.


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