Leeds Castle misdirection: Yorkshire hotel mistakenly sends guests to Kent attraction
When you stay at a hotel in a new city, it's great to hear what interesting sights there are to visit - but not if they're 240 miles away.
Unfortunately that was the recommendation guests at the Etap Hotel in Leeds received, when an image of Leeds Castle - which is actually in Kent - was included among other great local attractions in the northern city.
The geographic error was made in a welcome email sent to customers, which included a picture of the 900-year-old castle, known as one of Kent's most beautiful sights.
Oops: The Etap Hotel in Leeds directed guests to Leeds Castle in Kent
Red-faced hotel bosses had to send out hundreds of emails correcting their mistake once it was spotted.
But Leeds Castle staff are very sympathetic.
A spokesman for the attraction, dubbed 'the loveliest castle in the world', said the bungle was 'quite common'.
The historic home is actually named after a village five miles away from the county town of Maidstone, but is often mistaken as a reference to the Yorkshire city.
The castle spokesperson told Kent News: 'We now have a bed and breakfast on site and we have had quite a few bookings for it, only for those people to cancel when they realise they are hundreds of miles away from where they plan to be.'
Some cancellations have even come from brides who have booked weddings at the venue, thinking it was near Leeds.
The logo for the castle includes a reference to Kent and staff are careful about always referring to the attraction as 'Leeds Castle in Kent', but mistakes are often still made.
'It is just one of things you have to live with,' said the spokesperson.
When TravelMail contacted Etap Hotels they said they were aware of the error and were rectifying it.