Iceland volcano: Latest travel advice

Add to My Stories Share Train and ferry companies are preparing for the worst after the Met Office confirmed the ash cloud could return to the UK from midday on Friday.Ash from the Grimsvotn volcano will likely be detectable at 35,000ft, but will be less dense than predicted, meaning planes should be able to take off.
However, transport companies are offering alternative services for cautious travellers, who are worried about having their Bank Holiday travel plans disrupted.

End of activity?: Experts have not seen an ash plume above the volcano since 3amEurostar has confirmed it is laying on extra services over the weekend, which marks the beginning of the school half-term, to cope with additional passengers who may need to rearrange travel due to ash cloud disruption.And DFDS Seaways is prepared to increase capacity on its Harwich to Denmark route, offering a reduced rate to any customers who want to reach Scandinavia but are happy to forego their own cabin.SeaFrance and Stenaline have also both said they still have some availability over the Bank Holiday weekend to take passengers with cars who are keen to avoid air travel.
The cautious approach to the weekend and half-term travel arrangements follows days of uncertainty during which the Met Office has been criticised for 'unreliable' predictions.


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The organisation first predicted highest density ash from 35,000ft to 55,000ft on Friday, which could have grounded flights and restricted the airspace above the UK significantly.
But in an about turn, it has since downgraded the risk, saying it is now looking 'more ho! peful' f or the beginning of the weekend.
Leading Iceland tour operator Discover the World has also reassured holidaymakers who have trips booked to the volcanic island, saying they will be able to travel unhindered despite reports of ash covering the country.
The adventure holiday company said ash cover in Iceland is in fact localised to the area south of the Vatnajokull glacier, between the town of Vik and Skaftafell National Park.

Ferry prepared: Alternative travel options are on hand in case the ash cloud disrupts flightsNo ash plume has been seen above the Grimsvotn volcano since 3am, signalling the end of the eruption and it is believed tourists will be able to take flights over the crater from as early as today.Reports of the latest eruption in Iceland caused concern among holidaymakers, particularly after around 10,000 flights were grounded for a week in 2010 due to the Eyjafjallajokull volcano.The latest ash cloud mainly affected Ireland, Scotland, the north of England, Germany and Scandinavia, delaying and cancelling flights.However, the ensuing row between airlines and the Met Office about predictions of high density ash which never materialised has prompted calls for a national strategy to avoid uncertainty in the future.Transport Secretary Philip Hammond has coordinated a group of experts, including air traffic body NATS and the Civil Aviation Authority, to draw up procedures to let flights arrive and depart from the UK beneath potential ash clouds.The new system, which has never before been allowed in UK airspace, would be more robust and apply common sense, he added.
The planes would only start gaining altitude once they were safely clear of the red zone a technique known as underflying.


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