Wales B&B: Australian couple fall in love with hotel and stay for a year

Add to My Stories We have all got our favourite B&Bs. Some loyal customers even return to them as often as possible.But it's not often a couple likes a hotel so much that they decide to stay there for a whole year.That's what happened when Australian couple Chris and Sally Allison checked in at the small, family-run Barratt's of Tn Rhyl in north Wales.

Here to stay: Chris and Sally Allison like the B&B and restaurant so much, they've booked for the yearHaving flown over from Sydney, the Allisons intended to base themselves in London for the year while they explored Europe.But after a warm Welsh welcome at the hotel - which is the oldest building in the seaside town of Rhyl - the couple soon abandoned their plans and decided to stay put.In fact, the couple get on so well with the owners David and Elvira Barratt, they have apparently become 'like family'.
When asked what it is that makes her B&B quite such a 'home from home' for guests, Mrs Barratt said that good service is the key and her famous tea and cake on arrival certainly helps.


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'We're just a small, family-run business,' Mrs Barratt told TravelMail. 'So we like to focus on hospitality. People like to see a friendly face when they arrive, they remember that.'
The hotel has seen a lot of repeat visitors over the 20 years it has been open, much of that down to word-of-mouth. But it is the first time the Barratts have had such long-term guests.Like many businesses, the four-star hotel and restaurant has been hit by the downturn, but the semi-permanent addition of the Allisons has been a welcome boost.

Grand days out: The couple have visited local sights like Rhuddlan CastleFor their part, the Australian couple say they are used to travelling long distances at home, so are quite happy to base themselves in such a rural location.They often pop off to London or European cities from their Welsh base and say they don't feel like they're missing out by not being based in the capital.And thanks to their live-in tour guides, the Allisons have seen some beautiful spots in the local area and across northern Wales.'There is a real wealth of things on offer here,' said Mrs Barratt. 'And by meeting our friends locally, Chris and Sally get to see a completely different way of life.'The two couples get on so well that the Barratts have even invited their new Aussie friends to their daughter's wedding in Italy next year.'The Allisons are almost like family now, so it would seem strange not to have them at the wedding,' said Mrs Barratt.


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