John Vichorek (Wiechorek) at 68 years old still working on finishing Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism, they are installing the chandelier between Hevajra mandalas on the sky painted vaulted ceiling, Greenwood, Washington, USA

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John Vichorek (Wiechorek) at 68 years old still working on finishing Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism, they are installing the chandelier between Hevajra mandalas on the sky painted vaulted ceiling, Greenwood, Washington, USA

Almost everything in the room is custom crafted - John has been working on this project to renovate an old church turning it into a traditional Tibetan Buddhist monastery since 1984... often working alone, or with HH Dagchen Sakya, and sometimes with 20 or more volunteers!

The hand painted murals on the walls are worth seeing.

John lowered the floor so it would be level, and changed the shape of the windows, installed rooms, and repaired or replaced broken concrete - over the years he has replaced the wiring, lighting, plumbing, toilets, heating, - virtually all systems - roof, floors - and hand made much of it. And he installed Buddhas. No matter the adversity or ease - he just kept working on it. John is a really fine artist. I am honored to know John and call him my friend of a lifetime.

His Holiness Dagchen Rinpoche's teaching style is to interact with you while you work on something. He came here as a refuge(e) and built this monastery with his family's name - Sakya - gray earth.


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