The Sera Monastery, Choding Khang and Sera Utse, Tibet

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The Sera Monastery, Choding Khang and Sera Utse, Tibet

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Sera Thekchenling
At the base of Mount Purbuchok, which forms part of the watershed between the Kyi-chu and the Penpo-chu rivers, Sera Thekchenling was founded in 1419 by Tsongkhapa`s disciple Jamchen Choje Sakya Yeshe of Tsel Gungtang (1355-1435). Prior to this foundation, Tsongkhapa and his foremost students had established hermitages in the ridge above (Sera Utse). In time, the monastic community at Sera came to number between 5000 and 6000 monks. The complex comprises the Great Assembly Hall (Tsokchen), three colleges (previously there were four or five, including Sera To which were gradually amalgamated, and 30 residential units (khangtsang). A long driveway divides the complex into eastern and western sectors - the former containing the Great Assembly Hall and the Homdong Kangtsang, and the latter containing the three colleges. The pilgrimage route follows a clockwise circuit in the sequence Sera Me Tratsang, Ngakpa Tratsang, Sera Je Tratsang, Hamdong Khangtsang, Tsokchen Assembly Hall, and Tsongkhapa`s hermitage on Mount Phurbuchok.


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