Lake Yamdrok Yutso and the glacier of Mt Norin Gangsang ri. Tibet

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Lake Yamdrok Yutso and the glacier of Mt Norin Gangsang ri. Tibet

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Yamdrok Yutso yar 'brog g.yu mtsho

It is over 72 km (45 miles) long. The lake is surrounded by many snow-capped mountains and is fed by numerous small streams. The lake does have an outlet stream at its far western end.

Around 90 km to the west of the lake lies the Tibetan town of Gyantse and Lhasa is a hundred km to the northeast. According to local mythology, Yamdok Yumtso lake is the transformation of a goddess.

The lake (621 km in area, of depth unknown) is fan-shaped, spreading to the South but narrowing up to the North. The mountainous lakeshore is highly crenellated, with numerous bays and inlets. The lake has a dozen of islands. Lakes Yamdok Yumtso freezes up in winter.Like mountains, lakes are considered sacrosanct by the Tibetan people, the principle being that they are the dwelling places of protective deities and therefore invested with special spiritual powers. For instance, Lhamo La-tso (Oracle) Lake is thought to be divinatory; everyone from the Dalai Lama to the local villagers makes pilgrimages there. Yamdrok Lake is one of four such holy lakes, the others being Lhamo La-tso (mentioned above), Namtso and Manasarovar. It is revered as a talisman and is said to be part of the life-spirit of the Tibetan nation. The largest lake in southern Tibet.

At 7,206 meters (23,642 feet) high,Norin Gangsang ri is the 105 th highest mountain in the world. Norin Kang is part of the Nagarze Himalaya in Tibet. The geographic coordinates of the mountain are 2856'48?N, 9010'42?E. The mountain prominence (a measure of vertical separation between mountains) of Norin Gangsang ri is 2,160 meters and its parent mountain is Tongshanjiabu.


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