Edward Horner: The real-life 'Downton Abbey' WWI hero

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Downton Abbey's depiction of trench warfare in the current series has received withering fire from history buffs.

'No mud? No blood?' commented one incredulous blogger. The ITV programme's sanitised portrayal of the conflict has irritated historically minded viewers almost as much as the rogue TV aerials, yellow parking lines and modern conservatories that cropped up in the first series.

And yet the central theme of series two how the war threatened not just the future of estates such as Downton but tore apart the intricately woven fabric of British society is solidly grounded in reality.

In action: Downton Abbey heir Matthew Crawley, played by Dan Stevens, carries a wounded comrade to safety in a scene from the TVseries

Many real-life Downtons suffered terrible tragedies, all the more poignant perhaps because they affected the elite of British families who had reason to suppose they were invulnerable to outrageous fortune.

With the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War just three years away, now is the perfect time to take a journey of remembrance, to follow in the footsteps of that 'lost generation' who set off for France and Belgium and never returned.

I decided to retrace one real-life Downton-style drama far more powerful than anything dreamed up by a TV writer. The Horner family of Mells Manor had occupied their exquisite Somerset valley quietly and happily for four centuries.

Tribute: The bronze sculpture of Edward Horner in the Church of St Andrew, Mells - Horner was killed a! t the Ba ttle of Cambrai in 1917

The Horners were not only supremely well connected with the country's political and social elite, they could also boast immortality in a nursery rhyme.

According to legend, Sir John Horner acquired Mells Manor by underhand means when the deeds became available during Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries. He was bearing deeds from Glastonbury Abbey to London hidden for safekeeping in a Christmas pie when it seems he decided to help himself to one of the documents.

He was the inspiration for the 'Little Jack Horner' who put in his thumb, pulled out a plum and said: 'What a good boy am I.' Mells was certainly some plum.

Descendants of the Horner family, anxious to combat suggestions of impropriety, are keen to point out that in 1543, Sir John did actually pay 1,831, 19 shillings, three pennies and three farthings for Mells Manor but you might think there's no nursery-rhyme smoke without fire.

The last patriarch of the Horner family in direct male line from 'Little Jack Horner' was Sir John Horner, who was born in 1842. With his wife Frances, they had four children.

Daughter Katharine married Raymond Asquith, son of Herbert Asquith, the Liberal Prime Minister who led the country at the outbreak of the First World War. There were two sons. Mark Horner, the younger brother, died of scarlet fever aged 16.

The early achievements of the older brother, Edward, promised great things. He went to Eton, then studied at Balliol College, Oxford, and pursued a career in law, being called to the Bar. Like most of his contemporaries, he hastened to sign up at the outbreak of war in 1914 and like most of his contemporaries he was killed in action, aged 28.

The male line of the Horner family at Mells had come to an abrupt end. Most visitors to Mells church are drawn by the grave in the churchyard of Siegfried Sassoon, one of the best known poets of the First World War and a good friend of Edwar! d Horner 's mother.

Inside the church you find the memorial to Edward who, like all soldiers killed in the First World War, was not brought home but buried near where he fell. At a time when class distinction was rife, the decision to impose equality in death cannot have been taken lightly, but all those who died in the Great War were assured an individual memorial.

Grandeur: Historic Mells Manor in Somerset, Edward Horner's family home for four centuries

Where their burial places were known, this was in the form of a standard headstone. No distinction was made between officers and men, between rich and poor, or between those of different faiths.

There was nothing, however, to prevent affluent families putting up their own memorials and, inside the handsome church of St Andrew, Mells, you will discover one of the most impressive of these.

A fine bronze sculpture by the noted horse-painter Alfred Munnings shows Edward Horner on horseback in military uniform. The sculpture sits on top of a plinth designed by Sir Edward Lutyens, who also designed the Cenotaph in Whitehall and the monument to the missing at Thiepval on the Somme.

Lutyens was also an adviser to what would become the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Carved on the side of Edward's memorial are the words of Shelley: 'He hath outsoared the shadow of our night.'

Iron lady: Deborah the tank in the museum at Flesquieres and the man who saved her from the battlefield, Philippe Gorcynski

The wooden cross that originally marked his grave in France was brought back to Somerset after the standard headstones were erected and forms an integral part of the Lutyens plinth.

Edward had been offered chances to avoid the danger o! f servin g on the front line, but he turned them down. 'I couldn't do it, could I?' he wrote to a friend.

He died during the Battle of Cambrai in 1917, having already survived a potentially fatal injury two years earlier a bullet had passed through a kidney, which had to be removed, an operation of phenomenal risk in the days of pre-antibiotic medicine.

Horner insisted on returning to combat, aware that his chances of survival were slim. The battlefields were so close to the South East of England that the sound of the guns could be heard there at night, and today they are just a train ride away.

Travelling on the Eurostar from St Pancras to Lille and picking up a hired car at the station, I was in the countryside surrounding Cambrai about three hours after leaving London. You know when you've reached what was the front line because the war cemeteries come thick and fast.

Monster of war: Soldiers manoeuvre a British tank over a trench during the Battle of Cambrai - this was one of 476 in action

There are more than 900 of them in France and Belgium, most on a 70-mile line that runs from Ypres to Cambrai. The principal reason for the huge loss of life was the strategy adopted by the Allies men advancing across open ground to assault positions strongly defended by machine guns was bound to result in terrible casualties.

By the end of 1917, the Allied forces had re-evaluated their approach and the answer to what had become a stalemate seemed to be the tank. They had been used in previous battles by the British and French, but in the Battle of Cambrai they would form a key part of the assault 476 tanks were involved (along with 300 planes and 1,000 artillery guns).

The plan was to breach the Germans' supposedly impregnable Hindenburg defensive line. The British plan ultimately failed to produce a major breakthrough, but the new ! tactics proved that the Germans could no longer consider themselves impregnable in their deeply entrenched positions. Significantly, the war ended less than a year after the Battle of Cambrai.

Poignant: Edward's grave - many soldiers who perished in the Great War were buried where they fell

To understand the battle, I needed to see a tank. To see a tank, I had to meet Philippe Gorcynski who, as a boy, took holidays with a cousin who lived near the battlefields of the Somme and had his interest fired by picking up bullets and other war debris during walks across the open fields.

He developed a passion for locating and excavating a tank. Careful detective work led him to a field near the village of Flesquieres, where tentative excavations in 1998 revealed one that was almost complete.

Philippe painstakingly unearthed it and had it transported to a barn in the centre of the village. If you have any interest in the Great War, if you have the remotest fascination for tanks, if you enjoy meeting someone bursting with passion for their subject, I strongly advise you to make your way to Flesquieres at the earliest opportunity and meet Philippe Gorcynski.

He wants the tank, which had the combat name of Deborah, to be the centrepiece of a museum that will explain not only the history of tanks and the battle but also how war affected villages such as Flesquieres.

Across the road from Deborah's barn, the blue railings that mark the entrance to a chateau remain twisted and torn from combat, and every building in the vicinity carries vast shell damage and multiple bullet scars.

Philippe said: 'Ideally I would like the museum to be open for the centenary of the start of the war in 2014 but certainly it should be completed by the centenary of the Battle of Cambrai in 2017.'

For school groups studying the war, a trip to visit Deborah (and! all Phi lippe's huge collection of other memorabilia) would be an unforgettable experience. He asked me to write in his visitors' book.

'Tanks for the memory,' I scribbled, suspecting that I may not have been the first to offer this as a parting thought. Philippe, however, roared with laughter. 'That's very funny,' he said.

For a man who clearly takes tanks very seriously, that was praise indeed. Lieutenant Edward William Horner died during the Battle of Cambrai attempting to defend the village of Noyelles from German attack.

Today the village seems perfectly ordinary and content it's hard to imagine it has ever been touched by the horrors of war.

Edward's grave is in the Rocquigny-Equancourt cemetery at Manancourt. On his headstone, his family had inscribed poignant lines from Shakespeare's Henry V: 'Small time, but in that small most greatly lived this star of England.'

As long as we continue to visit and remember, all these stars will be kept alive.

Travel Facts

Eurostar operates up to nine daily services from London St Pancras International to Lille, with return fares from 69. The fastest London-Lille journey time is one hour 20 minutes. Tickets are available from www.eurostar.com or 08432 186 186.

Frank Barrett stayed at L'Hermitage Gantois ! in Lille (www.hotelhermitagegantois.com), where bed-and-breakfast costs from 208 per person.

For more information on Deborah in Flesquieres, visit Philippe Gorcynski's website, www.tank-cambrai.com. He also owns the Hotel Beatus in Cambrai (www.beatus-cambrai.com).

Babington House is a country house hotel in Mells. Room rates start at 215. More information at www.babingtonhouse.co.uk/special-offers.


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