Qiang Watchtowers -

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Qiang Watchtowers -

In 2006, the World Monument Fund included the "Stone Towers of Southwest China" in its watch list of the world's 100 most endangered sites.

"These monumental structures were built from a combination of cut stone, brick, and timber, and appear in several forms: square, polygonal, and star-shaped (with 5, 6, 10, 12, or 13 points). There is no existing documentation of the creation or function of the towers, so their role in the regions history remains a mystery. Chinese and Tibetan scholars have surmised that they were erected between A.D. 200 and 1400 and used as storage, defensive posts, status symbols, and beacons."

"The towers have survived mostly intact despite centuries of earthquakes because of an earthquake-proofing method employed in their construction: wood planks and beams were interspersed between the stones to absorb the force. This practice is unique to the region and can still be seen today. Through the decades, several of the towers have been subject to vandalism and insensitive reuse, while others have been neglected completely."

Suopo () - Danba ()


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