FarWestChina: My 7 Links Article

All across the web, many writers are taking part in a movement known as My 7 Links wherein bloggers share one of their articles for seven different categories and nominates 5 friends to do the same. Normally I dont take part in these kinds of games, but this particular one caught my attention so I thought Id give it a go.

I have been nominated twice, once by my friend Matt at the blog Waiguoren Critic of South China and also by Jonathan at Retrotraveller. If youre somewhat new to this website you might find a few of my picks for these categories to be fascinating, so I invite you to click through and read.


1. FarWestChinas Most Beautiful Article

K2 mountain in Xinjiang, the 2nd highest in the world5 Fantastic Mountain Scenes in Xinjiang, China

Ive always felt people are misled by the idea that the Xinjiang province is just sand and camels. This article was my attempt to show that we have just as many mountains as we do sand dunes.

From K2 to Tian Shan to Muztag Ata along the Karakoram Highway, mountains almost completely border Xinjiang and in fact cut the province in half.

2. FarWestChinas Most Popular Article

Kashgar's Old City under demolition by the Chinese governmentKashgars Old City Bulldozed Is Uyghur Culture in Danger?

Although it was written back in 2009, my most popular post continues to be my commentary on the demise of Kashgars Old City. It was by luck that I was able to obtain some of the first published photos of the destruction and it caused quite the stir in the China community.

In addition to these photos, I also look back with pride at the impartial way I was able to craft this article to show both sides of this interesting story.

3. FarWestChinas Most Controversial Article

Muslim Uyghur pray on the last day of RamadanUyghur Christian in Muslim Xinjiang

Unlike many bloggers I know, being controversial hasnt been very difficult for me thanks to my subject matter. I could insert several articles here, but instead Ill just stick with this one.

Nothing breathes controversy like religion, and this article on the sentencing of a Uyghur Christian to jail was no exception. Read all 91 comments if you likeI gave up after a couple days. Some people are so filled with hate and prejudice, its unbelievable.

4. FarWestChinas Most Helpful Article

My Chinese Drivers LicenseHow China Taught Me to Drive Better

Chinese people are horrible drivers, right? Not so fast. I had the privilege of obtaining a drivers license while in Xinjiang (it wasnt easy, believe me!) and I quickly took a crash course into dissecting a Chinese drivers mind.

My conclusion was a bit surprising, even to me, and the success of this article prompted me to continue the China Taught Me series of posts which have been very well-received.

5. FarWestChinas Surprise Success Post

Internet has finally been restored in XinjiangThe TRUTH About Xinjiangs Internet Situation

Whats it like to live in an area where censorship is so big that you cant even get on the internet for 10 months? Read this article to find out.

When I wrote this article I didnt think much of it I merely described what was happening in a province that was cut off from the rest of the world. It surprised me, then, to find out that nobody else knew what was going on within Xinjiang. I had broken news that even the BBC didnt know (and because that was true, they actually contacted me to write an article for themand I did!).

6. FarWestChinas Least Appreciated Article

Chinese swimming pool from the outsideReligion in the Xinjiang Desert: Worship of An Unlikely Object

I spent so much time putting this article together on a subject that has completely fascinated me since coming to Xinjiang. I published it thinking Oh yea, wait until everybody on Facebook and Twitter get a hold of this!

And then nothing. No comments, no tweetsnothing.

I still maintain that this is one of my favorite articles of all time, mixing pictures from the present and from history to describe a crazy desert phenomenon.

7. FarWestChinas Most Proud Article

Uyghur people wander around a Friday market in XinjiangWhy its Good to Live (or Travel to) Xinjiang

I love looking back at early articles that I wrote during my first couple years in Xinjiang. This article, written in November of 2008, is a great reminder to me of how I got to Xinjiang in the first place and why I continue to fall in love with the province more and more.

If youre on the fence wondering if you should make a trip out here or relocate yourself, read this series first. Hopefully it will convince you.

Which of these is your favorite? Im just curious and Id love to get your feedback. Maybe theres one on! here th at you think should be on here and Id like to know.

Oh yes, and I nominate Mark at Marks China Blog, Lauren at Abandon the Cube and Charlie at Chengdu Living.


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