Coming soon: TwiTrip to London
This Friday Benji Lanyado is heading into central London armed only with a mobile phone and ready to go wherever the best of your tweets take him
This week's TwiTrip is going to get a little emotional. Having stumbled our way through 10 English cities over the last few years, taking in transvestite cabaret clubs in Blackpool and genteel picnics on Oxford college lawns, our current series of Twitter-generated English adventures is coming to an end (although they will be moving further afield). And for our finale, we're taking on the small provincial town of London. Heard of it?
There are a couple of issues. First, after hours of painstaking research, we've come to the conclusion that London is quite big. Many of you will feel that no place should be too large for a TwiTrip, but let's face it, zipping from one end of the city and back again would involve a lot of sitting on the Tube. And that would be boring for everyone.
So our first parameter is this: all tips for this Friday's TwiTrip need to be within a five(ish) minute walk of a Circle Line station. No offence to all the other lines. That's just the way it's got to be.
The second issue: I live in London. This means you're going to have to work a little harder than normal. Friday's London TwiTrip will be on the hunt for true hidden gems. Odd little places that you might walk past every day. Little nooks of the capital that even the most seasoned Londoner may never have noticed.
So, at 10:30am this Friday, I'll be loitering around Liverpool Street, with nothing planned. Except, that is, that I'll be heading clockwise. You'll find me @benjilanyado, and live on the Guardian Travel site. In advance, I thank you.