Jack the cat search and rescue operation at JFK Airport after pet is lost by American Airlines

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Airlines are known for losing luggage and sometimes even damaging precious items, but it is not often a carrier manages to lose a cat.

However, that is the PR nightmare American Airlines has encountered after Jack the cat, travelling from New York's JFK Airport six days ago, managed to escape his cage in the baggage department and disappear.

His owner Karen Pascoe, who was relocating to San Francisco taking Jack and his brother Barry with her, is frantic and an online campaign has even been started to put pressure on the airline to find the missing moggy.

Missing: Jack the cat disappeared from his cage at New York's JFK airport and has not been seen for six days

Thousands of animal lovers on Facebook and Twitter are concerned after joining the group 'Jack the Cat is Lost in AA Baggage at JFK' - many leaving messages of support.

Ms Pascoe said she checked the cats in before they were put in separate carriers as cargo.

She wrote on her Facebook page: 'We cleared security and I said goodbye to them as the American Airlines handler was putting the plastic ties around the kennel door.'

After going to get dinner she was called to say Jack was missing in the inbound baggage area.

Search: Cats Jack and Barry were due to fly out to San Francisco with their owner Karen Pascoe on an American Airlines flight from JFK pictured

She said: 'Inbound baggage claim is a huge area... and Jack was nowhere to be seen.'

She searched for her missing moggy for mo! re than an hour - and even rescheduled her flight.

However, despite assurances the airline would keep looking for him, Ms Pascoe did not hear back for 66 hours - until after Hurricane Irene had passed.

She said: 'I respect the fact that a hurricane was coming and things were a bit challenging but I didnt hear from American until about 60 hours later.'

The company is now going to extraordinary lengths to find Jack and limit the damage caused by the online campaign, even keeping its own Facebook page updated with its progress.

The latest post reads: 'Karen (Jacks owner) has accepted our offer to fly her from California to New York to assist with the search and see first-hand our efforts to locate Jack. We have accommodated Karens wish to travel this weekend and will escort her throughout JFK.'

The page goes on to list briefings the company is having with the New York Port Authority and even animal tracking services in the hope of finding Jack.

American Airlines spokesman Ed Martelle told msnbc.com 'Our JFK employees are using a variety of methods to try to find Jack, including setting cans of cat food by his kennel.

'Additionally, we are working with the Mayors Alliance for New York City to assist in providing humane animal traps We offer our sincere! regrets for this incident and are doing everything possible to locate him.'

Jack has still not been found. However, he has his own Twitter profile and according to the site: 'Im a sneaky little cat who got out of my carrier and away from my brother, Barry. Im having the time of my nine lives!'

Ms Pascoe said Barry was missing his friend. She said: 'He misses his pal, his brother. I just want him found and home safe.'


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