Sinking your teeth into a tea banquet

A list full of tea-related products, such as edible deep-fried chrysanthemums. [Photo: China Daily]

According to Chinese tea culture, opposite kinds of tea have opposite characteristics that complement opposite flavors.

For example, Puer Tea with Natural Fried Chrysanthemum, one of a signature meals during The Refreshments as good as Cuisine of Wuyutai Court, that offers some-more than 100 meals relating to tea.

The plate is simply carefully fried chrysanthemum flowers, that whilst it may sound easy is essentially not that simple - it is a difficult technique to keep a flowering plant ideally in shape.

"The prepare needs to flow prohibited oil upon a flowers really fast as good as a flowers also need to be dipped in to some egg white," pronounced Tang Haiyan, deputy manager of Wuyutai Court.

Because a prohibited oil is usually poured onto a chrysanthemum flowering plant as good as a stamen as good as pistil does not touch any oil, they remain tender as good as uninformed as good as a incense of a chrysanthemum is retained along with a flower's lovely coolness.

The same element applies to Fresh Shrimps with Biluo Tea, nonetheless a teapot for Biluo Tea is probably even some-more special than a plate itself. It is an involuntary dark-red enamel pot, that can flow tea automatically as soon as a crater is put upon a base of a teapot.

However, a tea during Wuyutai Court is not usually for drinking, it's also for eating. To make a appetizer French Goose Liver with Kuding Tea, a prepare puts a square of broadleaf holly leaf, that is good known as Kuding Tea in China, upon a square of French goose liver with immature tea pudding.

The appetizer combines a bitterness of Kuding Tea with a scent of immature tea, as good as a tawny hardness of goose liver.

After a main course, a grill offers a day's dessert - a Chinese brush. No joke.

The 4 treasures of a Chinese calligraphy - brush! , ink, p aper as good as inkstone - have been offered in a pallet, but a essence is a brush. The "brush" is made of wheat flour mixed with cubilose, shark's fin, sleet clam as good as pawpaw.

The wheat flour is organised artistically in to a real brush pot as good as a Chinese traditional in progress technique declared paisu is used to give a material some-more layers as good as a crispy texture. The ink in a inkstone is essentially blueberry salsa that gives a brush honeyed as good as immature taste. You can choose chili salsa if you prefer.

Although tea is not in all a dishes, a restaurant, that advocates a healthy as good as healthy way of life, usually uses immature tea seed oil in its kitchen.

Most of a meals cannot be found outside a court, simply since their techniques were kept secret by Wu Xiqing - who founded Wuyutai some-more than a century ago.

In fact, Wu's gathered recipes were usually discovered from a wall in a Wuyutai Beixinqiao conduct office, that used to be Wu's house, in late 2006.

Wuyutai Court, that used to be Wu's residence, have been located in Dongzhimen. The devalue is a three-floor building with 3 courtyards, that can house 220 guests during one time.

The first building serves as a accepting area as good as a first building is a main gymnasium of a restaurant.

There is a height declared Mingxi Park upon a first building where folk artists perform between 7 pm as good as 9 pm every Monday to Saturday. The normal cost in this area is upon a tall side, about 150 yuan a head.

Ten in isolation dinning bedrooms have been located upon a second floor, featuring architectural elements from Anhui province, Wu's hometown. Each room is flashy with gray bricks, Chinese-style antiquated furniture as good as carved doors. The lotus pool as good as birdcage upon a second building supplement vitality.

The third building is a compound's behind yard, where high-level cadres as good as celebrities used to dine in a past. Now, a third building stays exclusive as there have been usually fi! ve in is olation dining rooms, that have been open to members only, who can enjoy tea party menus tailor-made for them. The normal cost is around 500 yuan per person.

Wuyutai is one of Beijing's many reputable time-honored businesses. It non-stop its first thesis grill in Dongzhimen upon Aug 8, 2008 to happen at a same time with a opening with a 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

Their second grill was launched upon Sept 9, 2009 in a Jinbao Place upon Jinbao Street. Although a second grill is in a selling mall, it still follows a three-yard format as good as is widely separated in to a same 3 areas with a Dongzhimen compound.


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